Sunday, June 1, 2014

Less than 8 hours to go

Tomorrow is June 2, 2014. Once again I am to excited to sleep as I prepare to return to Haiti. I have seen how this country and its people have endured hurricanes, earthquakes and disease and yet continue on. I have met so many people over the years as I have served on this tiny island and am blessed to call many of them friends. We have shared laughter and tears but most of all a love for one another, the people of Haiti and a wonderful Savior in Jesus Christ. I will be taking a team of  13 people and I have only met one face to face. But we go united in our faith and the call God has placed on our hearts. I have dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's knowing God is in control and everything we accomplish this week is simply orchestrated to bring Glory to his name. Thank you to everyone who gave financially to make this trip possible for this team, are taking over things on the home front to lighten the burden as we are away from home and thank you for your continued prayers as we begin our journey.

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